Christmas Pudding Rice Pudding

The Twelve Recipes of Christmas

Christmas Pudding Rice Pudding

Dawn: (Singing away) On the Twelfth day of Christmas my true Love Food gave to me….

Andrew: Something that will cook slowly whilst we take down the decorations.

Dawn: Will it take that long to untangle the lights?

Andrew: Several hours after the cat has been at them.

Dawn: What do we have left in the Christmas larder?

Andrew: A small Christmas pudding, some citrus fruit that has seen better days and the remnants of some pudding rice.

Dawn: Do you still have your inventing hat on?

Andrew: I’ll fetch it and get to work. If it still fits…my hair needs cutting!

Two hours later: Andrew emerges triumphant from the kitchen.



1 Small Christmas pudding (or leftover portions)

100g pudding rice

1 pint/500ml semi-skimmed milk

50g caster sugar

Grated rind of one lemon and one orange

1tsp vanilla essence


  • Preheat the oven to 150⁰C, gas mark 2.
  • Rinse the rice in a sieve under cold water to remove the starch. Leave to drain.
  • Butter an ovenproof dish.
  • Crumble the Christmas Pudding
  • Add the rice, grated zest, sugar, vanilla essence and crumbled pudding to the dish and mix.
  • Pour in the milk and stir so the ingredients are spread evenly.
  • Place into the oven and bake for one and a half to two hours, until the rice pudding has firmed but has a wobble in the middle.
  • Allow to cool for 10 to 15 minutes before serving.

Dawn: Gorgeous smell and what an amazing colour!

Andrew: An ingenious way to use remaining Christmas ingredients that would simply gather dust in the cupboard.

Dawn: Rice Pudding should give you enough energy to get on with removing the decorations now!

Andrew: Wasn’t that your job?

Dawn: You’re learning to multitask remember!

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